A note from 2PMA Directors
Welcome to our Family! We are happy to have been a part of this community since we opened our doors in March 2004.
Growing up, we were very active in many sports activities (including martial arts, soccer, swimming, track & field, tennis, etc.) We have learned early on the importance of developing good exercise habits during youth.
Actually, for us, it’s about more than just developing good habits; in this computer/device/video game-obsessed age we live in, our goal is to teach children to learn to LOVE being physically active, to crave the way it makes us feel good and healthy, and hopefully learn to CHOOSE an active lifestyle over a sedentary one as they grow to adulthood.
Every aspect of 2PMA exists because we are passionate about it and believe strongly in the positive effect our programs can impress on our youth. We constantly evolve and work toward new ways to better serve our customers.
We are so grateful that you have chosen to be part of our family!